Helping you find comfort, connection and a sense of belonging. 

A focus on trying to change or control your body has not resolved your low self-worth. It has instead, intensified the critical dialogue inside your head.    Working hard on being who you think others want you to be has imprisoned your spirit and left you feeling empty inside.   Not knowing what you are truly hungry for, leaves you confused and unable to meet your needs. The focus on food, fat and dieting keeps you trapped in a cycle of guilt and shame.  It isn’t what the real problem is anyway. 

You have a sense that your past has something to do with what’s going on and you are struggling to figure it out. There is a part of you who wants things to be different if only you knew how. 

Whenever you are ready...

I'd love to help you heal your relationship with food and your body for good. 

Here are 3 ways we can do this together...

  • Free Resources: Get started on creating change today
  • Membership Programme: Join our therapist led membership
  • 1:1 Therapy: For personalised support


Are you Therapist or Counsellor looking to learn more? 





No more waiting, you can heal and lead the life you want. 

Discover the inner resources available to you and heal from Disordered Eating for good.